Thursday, September 20, 2018

After reading this article ive learned how the Nike chief designer copes with his dyslexia. The best way he learned how to handle it was he listens better when he has something in his hand. As long as he keeps his hands occupied his mind can focus on the task at hand. This simple solution could help million others with their dyslexia and other day to day activities.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

After watching this video ive realized that everything in life can be looked at from a different perspective. Even something as simple as a chair can be improved upon. All it takes is a different point of view and a fresh mind to come up with a new idea. The chair has been redesigned for extra comfort and support. I believe this is a great development that can completely change simple necessities in life.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

There are many different designs in the world. Many are helpful to society while some of them are more of a hindrance. Lots of people like the worldly know red octagon Stop Sign. While many people dislike the arrow signs that are crossed out. Every sign is beneficial in its own way what really gets its point across is how its designed. The better designed signs will stay in effect while the others will get remade.

Everyone knows about social media, everyone either already has every known piece of social media, or only has one piece of social media. For...