Friday, October 26, 2018

The average day, wake up, go to work, eat, go back home, clean, go to bed. Day in and day out, every day, year after year. Chris has been doing the same thing for over 15 years now and has sunken into a deep depression. His life has no meaning and his friends and family are never there for him. They express concerns but never try to interfere in his life. One day he thinks to himself, perhaps he should just ............... Leap?

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Celebrities, everyone looks up to them and everyone wants to be one. The question remains, is the person we are looking up to the real one, or just a fake smile that they want us to see. We never get to see the real side to the celebrities and their natural looks. We spend all our lives trying to live up to their excellence we never really get to appreciate what is actually there in front of us.

Everyone knows about social media, everyone either already has every known piece of social media, or only has one piece of social media. For...