Sunday, February 24, 2019

Everyone knows about social media, everyone either already has every known piece of social media, or only has one piece of social media. For many they live their entire lives on social media, some for the better and some for the worst. Social media has a way of changing many people from how they actually act in person. They may go from being the sweetest most caring person you will ever meet to just being a jerk to you. Others mainly stay the same on social media. In some cases people will post their entire lives on social media, while others may post something every month or so. The great thing about social media is how many uses it has to offer to the world!! For instance it is the easiest way to make new friends, keep in touch with family and even discover what's going on with the world. We can know about any part of the world in just seconds through television and internet. Media is the best way to spread real world information and news from one part of the world to the other.

For me personally I spend quite a good amount of my life on social media. Not because im “addicted” or I “need it to survive”. I use it because it's where the world is turning towards, the world is fastly becoming more technically advanced and unfortunately if you don't learn it sooner rather than later, you will be left behind. Majority of my life I have been tech savvy and have learned about every new piece of social media almost as soon as it comes out. In fact majority of my educational system is based off of social media, such as news articles. My very first piece of social media was Instagram. I remember I use to just post funny pictures I found from friends and that escalated to me posting about stuff in my life. My next piece of social media would be Facebook. I had to convince my parents to allow me to set up my own account. My last and final piece of social media was Snapchat. Snapchat has fastly become the one social media app that I use every day. I use it mainly to talk with my friends rather than actually texting them. It's just a more convenient way to communicate with them. In my opinion I’d say social media has affected me in a rather positive way.

I'm not solely dependent on social medias existence but instead I use it to greatly advance myself with real world information, communication and entertainment. Entertainment for me is by far the most importantly, especially since my major is to become a digital editor. My dream job is to create and edit content to provide entertainment to the people and give them a distraction from life. This is relevant to social media because in order to get my content out to people I will need multiple social media platforms to inform as many people as I possibly can. The more people that know about my content then they will tell everyone they know and my content will then be spread globally. Social media is the most revolutionary piece of technology we have created so far and will not be dying off anytime soon thanks to how much and how often it is used.

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Everyone knows about social media, everyone either already has every known piece of social media, or only has one piece of social media. For...